Natural Palmarosa oil Manufacturers
Ingrédients d'huiles naturelles pour parfum d'aromathérapie, savons

Botanical name : Cymbopogon flexuosusL.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) is a tall perennial plant from the Poaceae grass family, which thrives in tropical and subtropical regions, such as in India, This plant grows in dense clumps and has bright-green, sharp-edged leaves, similar to grass.
Health benefits of Lemongrass Oil
Analgesic - Lemongrass Essential Oil helps relieve pain in muscles and joints, as well as toothaches and headaches resulting from viral infections like cough, cold, influenza, fever, and various poxes. It also helps cure general body pain resulting from strenuous activities and athletics.
Antidepressant - Lemongrass Oil boosts self esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength, and it uplifts spirits and fights depression.
Antibacterial - Lemongrass has antimicrobial properties which makes it an inhibitor of microbial and bacterial growth in the body, both internally and externally. It is also known to be effective in inhibiting bacterial infections in the colon, stomach, urinary tracts, wounds, respiratory system, and other organ systems.
Anti-pyretic - An anti-pyretic is an agent that brings down very high fevers.
Antiseptic - The antiseptic properties of Lemongrass Oil make it a good application for external and internal wounds as well as an ingredient of antiseptic lotions and creams.
Astringent - An astringent helps the stoppage of blood flow by contraction of the blood vessels. If someone is bleeding profusely, you need to utilize an astringent to speed up clotting of the blood and stop the flow to save his or her life.
Deodorant - Lemongrass Oil is far better than many of the synthetic deodorants that are a big expense, a heavy impact on the environment, and have limited lasting power. Also, those types of deodorant can sometimes produce irritation on the skin and can exacerbate certain allergies. The best thing about this is that it is herbal, so there is no damage to your body or the environment.
Febrifuge - Lemongrass Oil helps bring down fevers by battling the infections from which the fever is caused, as well as by increasing perspiration, which induces sweating out of toxins.
Fungicidal - Lemongrass Oil has good fungicidal properties and may be used to cure fungal infections, both external and internal.
Lemongrass Insecticidal - Lemongrass is quite popular as an insect repellant due to its insecticidal properties. It kills insects and also keeps them away.
Nervine - Lemongrass Essential Oil acts as a tonic for the nerves and the nervous system in general. It helps cure many nervous disorders such as shaking hands or limbs, nervousness, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and convulsions, sluggishness, and lack of reflexes. It strengthens the nerves throughout the body and stimulates them.
Sedative - Being a sedative is perhaps one of the most important and most appreciated medicinal properties of Lemongrass Oil. It has a great soothing, sedating and calming effects on mind, cures inflammations, itching of skin and it relieves tension and anxiety.